Guilford County Court Records 1811 – 1815. Guilford County, NC Records of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1811-1815
Transcribed minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for Guilford County, North Carolina, offering a unique look into daily life during this time period. This court not only decided minor civil and criminal matters but also acted as the principal administrative body for the county. In that capacity, it handled matters as diverse as estate settlement, recording of land records, apprenticeships, bastardy issues, road maintenance, tax assessment, licensing of mills and taverns, and lunacy decrees among many other matters. No other governing body had as many interactions with ordinary citizens. Even if your ancestors are generally hard to find in public records, you very well may find them here. Fully indexed. 212 pages.
$25 plus shipping. Some states will collect tax.