Journal 26-50



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Vol. 11, No. 4, Summer 1984 (Issue No. 26)

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Guilford County Divorce Papers; Family of Martin Boon, Loyalist; Tabernacle U. Methodist Church Cemetery; Additional Tabernacle Tombstones; Welborn Tombstone Records; Anne Woodburn Wiley   Bible Records; Mary E. Wiley’s Letter to Brother John; Who was Brother John?; High Point High Styles; Storing Your Antique Textiles; 18th Century Monetary System; Hands Employed at State Salt Works Near Wilmington, NC.

Vol. 12, No. 1, Fall 1984 (Issue No. 27)

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Guilford County Divorce Papers; Attempted Flim Flam of Mary Parker, Early Roads through Greensboro; Apples Chapel Cemetery; Additional Apples Chapel Tombstones; Deaths in Membership Rosters of  Apples Chapel; Beard Family; James Milloway Bible Record; Index to Fred Hugh’s Guilford Historical   Map.

Vol. 12, No. 2, Winter 1985 (Issue No. 28)

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Guilford County Divorce  Records; 1887 Summerfield Twp. Tax Records; Gethsemane U. Methodist  Church & Cemetery; Guilford County’s Last Public Hanging; Colored Members of 1st Presbyterian Church of Greensboro; Edgeworth Female Seminary; Gorrell Family; Lindsay Coltrane Bible Records; Deeds; Buffalo Presbyterian Church Museum; 1829 Greensboro Tax List;  Book  Reviews;  Glossary  of Genealogical Terms for the Beginner.

Vol. 12, No. 3, Spring 1985 (Issue No. 29)

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C.A. Boon Diary; Alamance Presbyterian Church Records; Hanner Family; Guilford County Gold Miners; Mines, Miners, & Mining Camps on 1860 Census; George H. Parker Bible Record; Pleasant Union Methodist Church & Cemetery.

Vol. 12, No. 4, Summer 1985 (Issue No. 30)

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Flat Rock U. Methodist Church & Cemetery; Additional Flat Rock Tombstones; Wolfington Family; Pleasant Hill Temperance Society; Family Record of Thomas Moore; Indian Ancestry of Hubbard Family; Alamance Presbyterian Church Records, Part II; Rev. Eli W. Caruthers’ Resignation; Additional Pleasant Union Tombstones.

Vol. 13, No. 1, Fall 1985 (Issue No. 31)

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A Quaker Hill Family; Joseph W. Gilmer Family Bible; Land Ownership In Colonial N.C.; Paisley-Sloan Picture Book; The Lane Family; Review.

Vol. 13, No. 2, Winter 1986 (Issue No. 32)

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Guilford County Taxable Property 1786; Verifying a Williams Family Tradition; History of the Hiatt    Family; Jamestown Meeting House & Cemetery; Little Pittsburgh of The South; Joseph Spence Family Bible; Frederick Coble Bible Records ; Regulator Movement; Guilford County Furniture Makers; Reviews; Cumulative Table of Contents of the Guilford Genealogist.

Vol. 13, No. 3, Spring 1986 (Issue No. 33)

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Powers of Attorney; Mt. Hope U. Church of Christ Cemetery; Climers in Guilford County; More on Descendants of Silas Williams; Coltrane Family Bible; The Scotch-Irish; Reviews; Guilford County Geographic File.

Vol. 13, No. 4, Summer 1986 (Issue No. 34)

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Deep River Friends Meeting , History & Cemetery; Additional Deep River Friends Cemetery Information: Diary; Welborn Deep River Friends Cemetery Records; More “Bewares” on Welborn Tombstone   Records; Journal of Patience Brayton; Hodgson-Hodson Family.

Vol. 14, No. 1, Fall 1986 (Issue No. 35)

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Pension Application of Samuel Rayl; A Letter Home; Greensboro’s Carpetbagger; Painted Springs; 1875 School Committee; Guilford County Business Directory (ca 1866); Friendship U. Methodist Church Cemetery; The Dougherty Family;.Chapel Cemetery.

Vol. 14, No. 2, Winter 1987 (Issue No. 36)

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Thomas Stokes of N.C.; Bill of Sale (Isaiah Allison to Josiah Wiley); Jesse Crabb – Mary Pickard Bible Record; Pleasant Garden U. Methodist Church History & Cemetery; More on the Shelly Family; Regulators, Pt. 2.

Vol. 14, No. 3, Spring 1987 (Issue No. 37)

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North Carolinians in Other Places; Journey to N.C.; Coble’s Lutheran Church History & Cemetery; Peter Wilson Family Bible; The Potter Family; Regulators.

Vol. 14, No. 4, Summer 1987 (Issue No. 38)

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Visit to Stinking Quarter; Wanted Notices; Isaac Greeson of Guilford; Low’s Lutheran Church History & Cemetery; Clapp Family; McCuiston Bible Record; Regulators.

Vol. 15, No. 1, Fall 1987 (Issue No. 39)

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Bransons 1884 Business Directory; First Meeting House at Centre; Centre Friends Meeting History & Cemetery; Letter from Thomas Lamb to Miss Delilah Vickery; Families with Jane Haney; Dennys of Guilford County; Some Descendants of George & Hanna (Donnell) Denny.Notice of a Confederate Soldier.Cemetery.

Vol. 15, No. 2, Winter 1988 (Issue No. 40)

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Guilford County Population Schedule 1860; Pleasant Garden Methodist Church Cemetery; Doub Family Bible; Regulators; Form for Death Notice of a Confederate Soldier.Cemetery.

Vol. 15, No. 3, Spring 1988 (Issue No. 41)

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Guilford County Population Schedule 1860; Haw River Presbyterian Church & Cemetery; Regulator Movement; Julian Calendar; Bells from Pennsylvania.

Vol. 15, No. 4, Summer 1988 (Issue No. 42)

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Guilford County Population Schedule 1860; Reddick Family; John & Nancy Henderson Cemetery; Regulators; Some Guilford Co. Marriage Licenses. Cemetery.

Vol. 16, No. 1, Fall 1988 (Issue No. 43)

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Guilford County Bastardy Bonds; Center U. Methodist Church Cemetery; McMichael Family; Squire Pinckney Wall Dead; Guilford County Census 1860; Female Seminary in High Point; Dick Family Graves Moved; Joseph A. Hackett Family Bible; Queries; William M. Weatherly’s Absent Heirs.

Vol. 16, No. 2, Winter 1989 (Issue No. 44)

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Guilford County Bastardy Bonds 1835-1854; Guilford County Residents Receiving Pension 1882; Jonas & Rachel Ricks; Joel Romulus Welborn Papers; 200 Years Ago; Marriages & Deaths from The Enterprise; Notes from the Greensboro Patriot; Judge John Meroney; Farrington Family of Giants; Notes on the Farringtons; William Lomax Family; Sandy Ridge U. Methodist Church Cemetery; John & Isabella Warnick Smith Bible; The Bell Family.

Vol. 16, No. 3, Spring 1989 (Issue No. 45)

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Guilford County Bastardy Bonds & Papers 1855-1877; Corrected Bastardy Bond; Methodist Church in 1833; Henry Co. Indiana Pioneers from Guilford Co.; Coltrane Family Papers; Quaker Lineage Trail; Special Note for Denny Trackers; Guilford County Marriage Records 1836-1921. Basic References for Guilford County Research; Pyeatt & Finley Families; Abner A. & Sarah (Petty) Barker Bible; Hillsdale Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery.hapel Cemetery.

Vol. 16, No. 4, Summer 1989 (Issue No. 46)

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Confederate Pension Applications; Slaves in Wm. I. Langdon Estate; Christopher Hackett’s Civil War Letters; Civil War Markers; Case-Highfill Bible Records; Individual & Family References in the Guilford Genealogist; Hiatt Family; Some Wilkes Co., Georgia Connections; Colored Communicants of the Presbyterian Church, Greensboro; Frieden’s Lutheran Church Cemetery, Pt. 1.

Vol. 17, No. 1, Fall 1989 (Issue No. 47)

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Guilford County Estate Papers 1775-1920 (A-Da); Nimrod Jester’s Revolutionary War Pension; Guilford County Cohabitation Records, Pt. 1; The Cude Family; Brower-Jarrell Bible; Farrington Note; Old German Names; 1802 Communicants Frieden’s Lutheran Church; Frieden’s Lutheran Church Cemetery, Pt. 2.

Vol. 17, No. 2, Winter 1990 (Issue No. 48)

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Guilford County Estate Papers 1775-1920 (Da-Hu); Greensboro, NC, Marriages, Diary of Rev. J. Henry Smith, D.D., Pt. 1; Guilford County Cohabitation Records; Smith-Hinshaw Bible Record; Name Changes; Lewis Family; First Presbyterian Church’s Heritage Room; Subject Index to the Guilford Genealogist; Military Medical Files; McCabe-Cusick Notes; Rankin Notes; The Gowdy Family; Collins Grove U. Methodist Church Cemetery.

Vol. 17, No. 3, Spring 1990 (Issue No. 49)

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Guilford County Estate Papers 1775-1920 (Hu-Pe); Greensboro NC, Marriages, Diary of Rev. J. Henry Smith, D.D., Pt. 2; Guilford County Cohabitation Records, Pt. 3; Persons with Guilford County Connections Married in Henry Co., IN 1882-1910; Letter from A.A. Nees; Researching: Getting Started; Weaver-Leonard Bible Records; Friendship U. Methodist Church Cemetery; George Finley Family of Reedy Fork.

Vol. 17, No. 4, Summer 1990 (Issue No. 50)

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1905-6 Directory of Rural Residents; Guilford County Cohabitation Records, Pt. 4; Notes on Free Men of Color; Diary of Rev. J. Henry Smith, D.D., Greensboro, NC: Deaths 1860s, Greensboro Marriages &   Deaths 1870s; Researching Census Records; Some Alexanders of Guilford County; Slaves in John Hanner Estate; Weaver & Leonard Bible Records; Holland Apprentices; Muirs Chapel Cemetery.

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